Sometimes I am me
Sometimes I am a girl
and then there are times
when I don’t want to
be recognized in terms
of male or female
I don’t even want to recognize
your stupid worthless bianary
Why should who I am
be determined by something that
I have no power over controlling
But then if I were a boy, well
thats a different kind of power now
then isn’t it?
And one day he told me
“with great penis comes great responsibility”
and right then and there
I silently asked that we could swap bodies
and that he could see for once how it felt
to be a girl, to be considered the weaker
of the sexes
But even as a girl,
you have your own kind of power
but it’s not a power you can use
if you use it you are treated as though
you are the scummy residue leftover from an evening of want
the afterbirth of your deeds becomes a glowing sign
“Hey, look at me. I am here,
a container for your mislaid desires”
and if you don’t use it, well
that in itself becomes another mark of shame.