Amist The Heart of Night
No one is here, just the signature glow of things man made amidst the heart of night-
Azure walls drain into depthless obsidian in absence of light
Eyes stare at wildly thrown shadows see not present but past
While another image hits as if it was a punch thrown at the chest
That moment when the corners of the mouth turn up but with the lifting memory something inside clenches, a satisfying shockwave of pain that comes as fast as it goes but leaves a pounding absence in its wake
Craving pain despite the way it hurts
Unveiling mask sees through the faults to find the light
While whispered hopes are scattered- feeble attempts to turn back time
The helpless cub knowing it is strong but losing the will to fight
Silent screams suppressed and are yet to survive
Why is one so fragile, when sun sets, and stars arise
Soft lilac and withered rosemary flushed out with condescending gray
Change of slide, memories stab for at the wound distant words shall bite
A broken picture, ongoing futile mess- that somehow conveys beauty set astray
For with fire that burns, words that tear and tears that cut- the pleasure in pain shall arise, amidst the heart of night.