America, Her Secret to Strength
What makes the nation's pillers high?
And its foundations long?
Wht makes it mighty to defy
The rules it considers wrong?
Its not gold, Its a kingdom's grand.
Escaping intact from battle sock;
Its raft are laid on siking sand,
Not abiding rock.
Is it the sword? Asked the red dust
Of empires passed away.
The blood turning their stones to rust,
And glory to decay.
Or is it pride? the bright crown
Seems to be the nations sweet.
But god struct the luster down
In ashes to his feet.
Not gold, But men who make
The people strong;
Men who for the truth and honors sake
Stand tall and suffer long.
Brave men who work while others sleep,
Who dare while others fly.
They build the nation's pillars deep,
And lift us to the sky.