I must walk through the biggest desserts in mexico to find her.
I must swim across the dangerous rivers for her.
I must learn to walk even without shoes.
I must think of her as she gives me hope.
I must for my mother is sick.
I must drink only a little bit of water so it can last.
I must fight against the evil of man.
I must for America is waiting for me.
Waiting to hold me.
As I run to her with all my might.
As she surrounds me in her arms full of thorns.
I am scared.
I see myself in a cage, hungry, cold, and confused.
Where am i?
America is that you?
Why must you do this to me?
Did I love you too much?
Was I to naive?
Was I lied to?
As I stare the concrete floor,
All I can think about is my mother's hands,
Such beautiful hands,
So warm and gentle.