An Amendment to the people
May we return.
May we return to the days of old
With warriors hearts and spirits bold
Lonely hearts abounded and bred contentment in the finer things
A state of nature allowing us to spread our wings
Where is the wisdom?
Lost to the fear of failure we Seek satisfaction and nothing more
While we go by names of killer sinner and whore
When you forsake the rose’s sweet scarlet
All fades to shades of grey
A proposition for the people is what i’ve come to bear
Draw back the beast of greed and pride
Let loose the hounds of revolution with passion i cry
Forget your fear
Only in the name of a better life should we seek to die
A martyrdom for the ages but now of our lives
Set free your demons and fight with your hearts
A well oiled machine could never tame a man of righteous light
In a world of wrong to resist we must do what is right,
to uncage ourselves from this prison of government turned corrupt from within
Take up your arms and brandish your rights
in order to form a more perfect union we the people must face
A force unlike any before and fight assuredly with steady pace
In a case of pearls before swine will you take water over wine?
Our fathers taught us well. As theirs did them
A cause to be remembered that out values any gem.