Amare (Love)
Calx ut sulum has in vita est ut reperio diligo
Tamen quis nos operor non animadverto est , nos usitas transporto lemma absentis
Spero vos operor non tracto is ut a iocus
Amo nonnullus quisnam reputo ut scilicet a venatus
Memor diligo est ferreus tamen etiam dignitas is.
Quod nunquam redono , pro si vos operor , vos did non tutela
(English Translation)
Everyone’s goal in life is to find love
But what we do not realize is that we send them away.
I hope you do not treat it as a joke,
Like those who think that it is just a game.
Remember love is hard but still worth it,
But never give up, for if you do, you did not care.