AM I really this way?
AM I really this way?
Like a man in his own skin different from day to day.
I liked a man yesterday and a woman today.
AM I traitor?
Like Benedict Arnold constantly betraying and retracing battle lines.
I feel so confused and yet fine.
AM I comfortable?
Like that first toe dip into a calm serene lake.
Then must my world still rumble and shake?
AM I Gay, Bi, or Pansexual?
Do you even know what those terms mean?
Better yet, do I know how they feel in the depths of my bones and in my soul?
AM I just another confused kid?
Like a Conservative Anti-LGBT statistic.
Just another "phase" that I'm going through.
AM I just depressed?
Like Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh.
Just grasping for something, anything,dear God, anything new.
AM I to blame for the dissolution of marriage?
Like sex, money, lies, and videotape.
Just swept under the rug like rape.
However society perceives me
whether or not people believe me
I am who I am. I am LGBT.