Am I Loved?
Why do you hurt me?
Is this what you want to see?
Is this how you want me to be?
Beaten-down and filthy?
What happened to my beauty?
Look through my eyes
do you see why I am criticized?
Can you feel my upcoming demise?
I know I am a super-size
but together you guys can make me sterilized.
You've made me intoxicated
right now I am so frustrated
pollutions: cigarettes, factories, cars
have got me wasted
you've made me so
conglomerated with toxins
and in so many places
I am decimated
I feel so unappreciated.
Look at all of the things
I provide for you
money, clothes, food,
I strive for you
but how am I to keep
alive for you
with all of the terrible
things you do?
I used to sing in the wind,
but now when it blows,
I cry
I used to smile in the sun,
but now when it glows,
my grin is wry
I used to dance with the leaves,
but now when they fall,
I don't even try
I used to be covered in your love,
but now when I feel for it,
I am dry
I am the Mother
of all race
I was given to you
by God's grace
Have I become
an empty space
just because I do
not have a face?