Alyssa, a poem.
Everyone meets someone
with a timidly shy, "Hello".
You walk up to them, stop for a second
and let your heart play Cello.
Your strong powerful legs can turn to complete Jell-o.
Your stomach churns and turns, as your face turns yellow.
Ironically, you feel so high than quickly far too low.
With her,
I refuse to hesitate
when I resuscitate
the thoughts of holding her close.
What’s the worst that can happen?
Walking away in rejection
While she points and laughs and
I waddle away
with my tail between my legs
and the feeling of minor depression.
Take that step.
Can't trip or I'll miss the journey.
The first one is always tricky.
The key is to keep calm.
It so happens to be
that I only see
the face of beauty
striking my heart like a bomb.
The pace speeds up.
Under my breath,
I mutter, "Sup".
She didn't hear.
I whisper "Hi",
but she waves goodbye.
Now this is fear, and feels like
I was never even here.
This journey was a joke and a lie.
When I said "hi" and she said "bye",
I knew the only people to walk away were
me myself and I. Oh god why?
But, the underdog's monologue
with inspirational dialogue
was loud and surprisingly clear.
I am here.
Never, back, down.
I laid my hand on her shoulder
feeling ten years older,
and let go of my heart
like a tumbling boulder.
I spilled out confessing notions
which spin into internal commotion
when I almost let out
"I love you".
This locomotion of emotion is too much.
Silence grows colder
as she deciphers what I told her.
I have to maintain
the feeling I've gained,
and I want to obtain
her heart I yearn for.
The reply from her reply is nigh.
Of course after hearing this she was shy.
Out of her mouth came a timid, "Hi".
Everyone meets someone with a timidly shy, "Hello".
Whether it’s "Kon' nichwa"
Or "Hola",
Or one is black, or white,
Or blue or green.
Whether it’s straight or gay,
Or in between.
Night or day,
Everyone says "Hello"
in their own way.