All By Yourself
The days go by,
So quickly it seems.
It seems that just yesterday,
You started school.
Then there you are,
Here today,
Graduating from high school.
The days of your childhood are past,
The days of staying out late,
To disobey your parents rules are over.
It is time to start your life,
Out in the world,
All by yourself,
Nobody to help you.
The days have gone by so fast,
It doesn't seem real.
All the tragedy of high school,
Is over for ever.
You will want it back,
When you realize,
How easy life was back then.
You will want to be a kid again.
You will want to be a freshman in high school again.
You will want the life you had back,
But you can't,
For you have grown up,
And have to face the world,
All by yourself.