All Lives Matter?
Hashtag, “Black lives matter.”
Trending, but then what?
Hashtag, “All lives matter.”
Seems pretty okay, but…
I find it quite ironic
That this only came about
To counter what’s been said before,
A hand over a mouth.
If all lives really mattered,
And, of course, it’s true,
Would this slogan really be a necessary thing to do?
But instead blind eyes are turned
To black children shot in parks
And you cross the street, avoiding
“Sketchy, tall, and dark.”
You say nothing when you see
Black victims of gentrification
Left in poor, run-down housing districts
For many generations.
You say education is the key
But turn silent (also deaf)
And deny inner city schools resources
When they’re in distress.
So thus when Black Lives Matter
Becomes a rallying cry
I guess it’s only natural
To distract the public from your lies.
You demonize the protesters,
So that they are only “thugs”
Who loot and burn and steal
And are drunk and high on drugs.
And even when the protests
Are peaceful, it won’t matter.
You’ reduce all that they have to say
To merely “media chatter.”
So no, I don’t believe it
When you say those three words
Because when you try to explain
It’s all nonsense that I’ve heard.
I’ll start saying “All lives matter,”
When you know the way it feels
To be the mother of a black child
Who was unjustly killed.
I’ll take it even further,
Your slogan’s aim I’ll truly see
When you take the hand of a suffering
Syrian refugee.
I’ll believe you when I can’t remember
When my 3rd grade classmate cried
Because of immigration,
His father on the other side.
So it’s not right to protest?
On that, I’ll disagree,
When you yourselves will start a war
When an athlete takes a knee.