You Don't Know What You Have Until It's Gone
All I need is happiness.
I can say this without a doubt,
For there have been times
when I have been without.
I love walks through nature
Looking at the beauty in every tree.
Without happiness, the beauty is remembered,
Though it I can no longer see.
Music is still music, yes,
I still can play it all.
But when I'm without, the passion is lost,
Then the energy's weak and small.
Worst of all, I feel alone,
I'm annoying to all those near.
And so myself I shut away,
Giving in to my deepest fears.
With happiness, it's all different,
No more reasons to hide or cry.
Music sweeter, colors more vibrant,
There are friends of endless supply.
Meaning is lost with sadness.
So you see,
All I need is happiness,
and to feel its warmth in me.