All Because of Music
While I drive, exercise, sleep, do homework
"Shut up and dance with me"
Or do just about anything, there's one constant:
"Take me into your loving arms, kiss me under the light of a thousand stars"
I listen to it when I'm happy
when I'm sad "It's been a long day without you my friend"
when I'm feeling everything all at once
when I'm not feeling anything at all.
Music is unique because it speaks to every person and every situation.
"Ain't it fun living in the real world? Ain't it good being all alone?"
Sometimes it's fun to just listen to the music and dance
"Can't stop, won't stop moving, it's like I got this music in my mind, saying it's gonna be alright"
Other times we connect with the lyrics
"Don't get too close, it's dark inside, it's where my demons hide"
And find comfort in knowing that others feel the same things that we feel
"I was told when I get older all my fears would shrink, but now I'm insecure and I care what people think"
I've been able to cope with situations
build friendships
just let go and have fun
All because of music.
What could be more awesome than that?