The All American Flag
The All American Flag
Some months have gone by
since we said goodbye
I salute to the all American flag
with pride and goals on the line
my rugged box is filled with letters
letters that I treasure
some are simple
some touch the bottom of the Caspian Sea
clams filled with love and passion
jewels shining bright with
My only concern is the question that lingers
is this reality or is it just another play?
Romeo and Juliet
Each lover dies, nothing else to say
Can this so called “love,” a figure of clay, be
easily destroyed, easily broken, easily interrupted
Or in a sense of hope this figure of clay
will be put in a kiln
to be indulged with
Integrity and excellence
You will stay near and dear to my heart
While we stand hundreds, maybe the thrilling thousands, of miles apart
feels like 1969
to the moon and back
I salute to The All American Flag