The Alchemist: Alpha and Omega
Since the beginning, humanity has wrestled with the concept of destiny, whether we have free will or if we are just at the mercy of a higher power. I believe that free will and destiny are two sides of the same coin; with that thought in mind, if both sides were separate conscious entities would they be aware of each other's existence if they cannot see each other? I challenge humanity to stand between the mirrors and gaze into the infinite void, past, present, and future; gaze until you've found your destiny and afterward, if you so choose, make it a reality.
So close yet so far...
Plunging into the dark
In hope to find who you are;
You've done all but made your mark
On this earth, how subpar
You seem, though in time,
You'll see that failure isn't a crime.
So close yet so far…
Scene I
Myst: You there! My name is Myst
And I would like to offer you something magical
Free of risk,
If you will, I promise you, no tricks.
(No response)
(Shouts)You there! Sad and glum
Listen for I have come
(The alchemist glares)
(Awkwardly) To inquire upon your condition
For every man has his own mission.
Alchemist: It seems as I have progressed
My resolve has diminished;
There is no greater shame that I've confessed
Than on this journey that is unfinished.
Myst: Aha! I know what you need
This potion of origin and endings will help you convene
With yourself, future and past.
Alchemist: How long will it last?
Myst: Long enough, here sit down.
(The Alchemist sits)
Alchemist: How does it feel?
Myst: Ha! like you're about to drown
No more questions! Drink!
Alchemist:(Panicking) wait! I don't think.....
(The Alchemist Passes out)
Myst: Sweet dreams, destruction, the world is on the brink.
(Myst leaves)
(End Scene)
Scene II
The Younger: Is he dead?
I really hope not, I was hoping I'd live longer.
The Elder: I know it's what you dread,
But I'm still here so he's not a goner
The Younger: Hey!!! Wake up!
(The boy Slaps the Alchemist)
Alchemist:(Wakes Furiously) Myst when I'm through--
The Elder:Calm down now, it's only you.
(He laughs)
Well an older and much better you,
But you get the point yes?
Alchemist: (Confused) No, what do you mean by better that's not true.
The Younger: (Ecstatically) Yes he is! You're a mess
And he's just um... He's just great!
The Elder: (Chuckles)How insightful little me
I couldn't have said it better myself but wait!
We have more important matters to discuss.
We must hurry for that shade will turn the world to dust.
The Younger: Messy man, remember the promise at the fire?
If you give up now then I'm a liar.
Alchemist: Yes, but how do you know about--
You little boy are me in the beginning, no doubt.
And if that is true, then you elder are me in the end, how aged and devout.
The Elder: The promise at the fire is one worth mending
If you desire to break this curse of origins and endings.
You must stand tall
If you want the world to hear your call,
Not with fear, but with power, overcoming all.
Alchemist:I was mistaken, elder you are much better than I,
For In my sorrow I was about to die
Until you opened my eyes
Reminding me that I have to save the world from its demise.
(He begins to fade)
The Elder: It seems our time has gone,
Please remember the promise and live long.
(The alchemist fades out completely)
The Younger: He's gone but you're still here;
he's finally made his choice, he'll persevere.
(end scene)
In the midst of the darkness lies a flower reflecting bright,
Drooping it's head as if to humble itself before the light,
Or to hide its scars rather than embrace it's beauty,
For it was nothing before the crude;
They could not see the life inside its roots,
The silent chime, soft and faithful to its duty.
This flower reflecting bright is linnaea
And it is what our humanity is made of.