January 21, 2016 at 5:06 PM
I’m not afraid to
Say that I’m afraid of love
Starting my life as an innocent child
Everything new, true, and beautiful
Growing up in a regular home
Having a mom and dad come back home
As the years went
So did the people around me
Heartbreak everywhere
Turned up
From the lefts and the rights
And then here I am
Never have been touched
By a boy with grey eyes and
The smile and the laugh
That could cure depression
Only slightest touch
I’ve received is
His hand in mind
As he twirled me
Around and around and around
All through the night
I experienced
Something I never thought I would
Until I was out of high school
And I looked like every
Desirable teenage girl
The one with perfect shiny and long hair
That you can twirl around your fingers
Never creating knots
Or having skin as
Clear as the blue sky
After relentless rainfall
But I am not
And that is why
Everything on
That Halloween night,
Felt unreal
Until I got home
And there was no goodnight kiss
Like in those cliché
Movies from the 80s
He won’t be the one to raise
His fist in the air
Blessed and satisfied
He had the girl of his dreams
He won’t be outside my house
With a radio set to
The song we danced to
We won’t ride off into the sunset
On a lawn mower
I’m not scared of love
I’m absolutely terrified by it
I’ve never been able
To hold someone
Or to have someone hold me
Never experienced the
Late night talks
Filled with views on
Why the stars in the sky
Line up the way they do
And what we can make out of each
I don’t think
I’ll ever want to experience that
Pouring my heart and soul
To someone who can easily forget me
Someone who can look at me
One day and think how beautiful I am
But never speak to me the next
I don’t want my whole being
Picked apart
Piece by piece by piece
Because I know he
Won’t be the one to put me back together
He won’t be the one to
Tell me everything was
Going to be okay
Because he will be the one
To put me in that state
The state of hopelessness
He can be the one to speak
Words of poetry
Late in the night
Or during dinner conversations
He can be the one to
Touch me in places
Never been touched
Even by my own hands
He can be the on
To take me to the places
I’ll never be able to go to
This boy
Whoever he is
Can be the one I put
My trust in
My love
My all
And he can be the same
Person to break me
He can be the one to
Steal the light from
My mind
He can be
Everything I am afraid of
He can be love
And that love terrifies me