affect and effect
I was thirteen when I figured out that water
Doesn’t come without a price
And I’ve come to terms with the millions of
Starving children that don’t cry for food
But for a freedom that tastes like the sun burning
Out from underneath them
And maybe I haven’t been able to face the truths that
Wrap around my legs and drag me down as a polished
Women in clothes that cost more than me walks past
I wonder if she lets her guilt burn the inside of her mouth
The way alcohol does
Because I know she feels the stares of the fifteen year old
Just trying to get by with scraps
I do
You see, the trees use to whisper to each other in their
Own language and I’ve waited a long time to glimpse
What they’ve needed to say to the human
Race who’ve cut them down and used their bodies
For paper to bleed on
Their roots are twisted with each other, begging not
To leave and the birds have been crying
They’ve been crying
When we walk, we are not gentle.
We do not stop for anything that isn’t worth the time
And I’ve been thinking, letting it flicker between my
That this is some kind of message to take a step forward
Instead of being shoved back
And I want to sink my teeth into a revelation that this
Will be okay
We will be okay and this shall pass
A child will be born in January and realize that his
Mother fought for a kind of freedom that took
Over thousands of years to settle
And that he’s going to grab onto the future
Without stepping on a flower that is the size of a fist
And that using the water and the woods and the children
Who work in winter isn’t needed
This is a start and the end
and a change that will start with one step forward
And nothing holding us back