I can’t stand
The way you stare at me
This is how you burn through
You think you know who
I am fighting for
But I am no longer yours
I will never be yours
I can’t breathe
And know that somewhere
Someone is drawing
Their last breath
You ensure
My suffering
I will never suffer less
Please set me free
And I’ll send you home
I’ll make sure you return
To the darkness
It will tame you
While I prosper
See me rise
Above your terror
This is how you ensnare me
You think you know who
I am fighting for
But I am no longer yours
I will never be yours
See me fly
As I collect stars
These wishes are mine
But not to keep
I will spread them out
I will give them conviction
Even as my suffering endures
Please set me free
And I’ll send you home
I know who you are
The darkness will recede
The light will shine forth
And I will prosper
Take me as I am
I will believe
I will thrive
I will find you
There on the other side
Set me free, my enemy