Admist the Oppression
With my head held high
And my hijab* a blazing sign
Of my identity
I step out into the open world
And a torrent of whispers unfurl
Suddenly around me
Amid the stares, the looks, the sneers,
I walk on
Amid the taunts, the insults, the curses,
I walk on
Amid the shouts, and the slanders and every other vile offense you can think of
I walk on
"Sorry, miss, we can't serve you here."
"Sorrry,miss, dont you see we're all filled here?"
"Sorry, miss, we don't hire terrorists."
"Sorry, miss;Sorry, miss;Sorry, miss"
Sorry, you say?
Before you tell me of being a terrorist
Tell me, do you see a firearm held in my fist?
Or do you think im carrying around a bunch of explosives?
Before you tell me I'm not an American
Before you deny me my rights
Tell me, what was this coutry based upon?
Free of religion, thats right
Before you utter anything further
Dissolve from your mind
The lies and the propaganda
Insidiously fed you through your mind
Through the ever-deceiving media
To which you were so insistenly and blindly inclined
Before you make your assumptions and judgements
Dispel the stereotyped lenses from your eyes
And for once, through the lucid vision
See the irrevocable truth"
That I am as much a human being as any you or I.
* - A Garment Muslims wear over their head to cover their hair