The Aces of Winterland
The hottest day on record
for the past 90 years
and still they made it rain in winterland again.
Forty thousand domestic lawn sprinklers
being fed by the same hose
then they heat the water into steam
and blast the atmosphere with the world’s most
obnoxious sounding air conditioner
the cooling unit being powered by its own
nuclear power plant and protected by an international
coalition of aces, famous, feared, and
benamed The Aces of Winterland
The story goes that they were never born
and can never die
they have no eyes, yet see everything
they have no hearts, walk, sleep, pulse in silence
cannot be seen, yet are always present
cannot be heard over the roar of the AC
The Aces of Winterland hover over the sick in the ICU
and appear shining and brilliant in the child’s fever dream
the terror and awe no devil can evade
from the icy hands of the Aces of Winterland
from the fulfillment of wrath o’re the Aces’ cold band
The multitude was revealed
As vultures follow each other to carrion
blathering and foaming
diseased, incessant, pestilent
as such one Ace there was and will always be
penetrating land, flesh, time, sea, fire, light, and all of heaven and earth
such is the realm of winterland
falling all heavy with stones in their gut
tearing out each other’s hearts on the long decent
bickering with horrible screeches
Enveloped by the sound of Air conditioning in totality
rank feathers dripping with rot falling to the rocks
the Aces’ frozen feet creeping, breath blowing
burning ice so far below any comprehensible temperature
Their bodies solidified and on fire simultaneously
The earth opened up as if to swallow
but never caught any of the multitude
they fall still through time and space and eternity
frozen and on fire for all of the days and nights they are lost
And the Aces of Winterland have long forgotten them
and the Earth does not remind Heaven because there is no need.