This Abstract World
Grain after grain it slips away..
Into the endless abyss we call time.
Second after second you take breathe not knowing if its going to be your last. Minute after minute you smile feeling like time has stopped.
Hour after hour you embrace another body each time leaving you with their sweet cologne or perfume they wore to impress that lucky lady or man.
Moment after moment becomes embedded in your heart and mind to the point whet you thought it just happened yesterday.
A year has past since you last seen that person and forever will be another year after year where you won't see that person because their in a world of no corruption and poverty.
Where year after year 100's die because of abuse, murder, gangs, addictions, suicide..Or just plain old age..
Day by day we live and many don't stop to see the beauty in our lives.
All the imperfections that create an abstract view of this world.
Be happy..enjoy while you still have a grasp of it before its gone..
Because when its gone your never going to pick up that same grain of sand.
Your memories to be washed ashore with all your broken tears.
What's the point its reliving the past when you could have a future with never ending bliss.
That ocean of memories and tears come and go as easy as the tidal wave runs away from its only love---the shore of time.
Because life isn't ment to be spent on remenesing the past, so ENJOY THE LITTLE THINGS and smile..
Because all of the past will remain under your feet.
Your feelings to return and ruin away as the sun embraces you with its warm welcome to REALITY.