About Structure & Routine
Annoying and tedious.
Harmful for the adventurous,
passionate, and free soul.
Routine cripples!
If we don’t agree on that
you probably enjoy
or have accepted
routine in your life.
A boring live it is
when you keep doing the same things,
more attractive and exciting
is expecting the next new thing.
Now, that’s a way to live!
But there is one little thing
-more like big-
that I do appreciate from routine.
Have you heard about structure?
To the adventure it brings composure,
not letting it become obnoxious.
Preparing for the unexpected to become disastrous.
So let’s meet in the middle.
Discouraging the idle
in monotony. Stimulating the mind
with a pleasant surprise.
Living to the fullest,
Keeping death astray.
Without stress,
letting the moment predict the day.
Right amount of order & freedom
to make this life the best.