Abandoned Alone
Sitting at a table all alone, is a highschool boy I've never known.
People appear to not see him there, I agrily think, nobody cares.
They all walk by without a thought, of the lonely boy who is forgot.
Am I the only one to notice, or do they simply choose to ignore this?
How can noboby feel ashamed, nobody even asks his name?
How can they dare to be so cold to one who simply broke the mold?
So maybe he is not the the same, he doesn't talk but is that insane?
Surely he deserves a friend, can't anybody talk to him?
I see the sadness in his eyes, quick comfort him before he cries.
Am I alone in feeling his pain? Perhaps its because I'm the same.
Today I'm alone just as well, but were my friends here would I even tell?
That there he is sitting all alone, without anywhere to belong.
Why do they treat him so bad? Their silence even makes me sad.
They've condemned his mind to wander, the only conclusion being anger.
How dare them treat him with disgrace? Do not they know they seal their fate.
For though they claim to be Christians, how can he forgive their sins.
Treat your brothers like yourself, is not that what the Bible says?
Would you wish to be ignored, I think not if this you could avoid.
Yet you are so conceited, that you cannot see you have been defeated.
All the good you claim to be, but not kind enough to help those in need.
But alway there is time to change, to alter this and break the chains.
To try to lend a helping hand, and make the difference you know you can.
So now in order to make amends, for all the pain your silence lends.
You make a new years resolution that this year you will be the solution.
Bravely you walk up to the boy, in hopes that you can bring him joy.
You ask him how his day has gone, and he replies not good alone.
He shares his woes, and slowly the conversation grows.
'Til you have a friend for being bold, and now the world is much less cold.