9/17/15-- the first time i cried at college

Thu, 09/17/2015 - 22:12 -- okayls

you are caught in my gumline like the shells

of chocolate covered coffee beans,

you are the anxiety sh-sh-shakes,

and i,

i can't get my words out, they are trapped in my mouth

bouncing off of my teeth

please let me be...


please let me be.

let me have this one, little thing.

let me have this one safe space.

somewhere to

rest my bones and burn my body to the ground,

don't you FUCKING touch me.

i can feel you tear me apart with your eyes

don't fucking touch me.


who gave you the goddamned right?

i was doing fine, yesterday

i told people about the year i almost killed myself.

it was empowering, i had taken my destiny, my road

in my own two trembling hands and

lent my words to make it strong.

but today we lock eyes and i have to wonder

if you saw, in the split second i was there before

i left, how afraid i was?

because this is your legacy,

your business card,

your own damn fault,


time has not left you behind, 

you're an adult.

start fucking acting like it.


do you care who you hurt?

well, start fucking acting like it.

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