Never have I ever broken a bone
But a elevator pass and a signed cast
Makes it sound really tempting
Oh my son thought he could land a backflip
Out of a tree, blindfolded, hands tied behind his back
But my insurance covered it
Never have I ever broken a bone
But being born in a silent environment
came with no get well soon card
Oh well my daughter was just born that way
Without hair, in her cochlea, that gives you hearing
But our insurance won't pay zip
Never have I ever broken a bone
But having to always seek repetition
Was not friendly inviting
Oh i'm sorry I can't hear your words
Your whispering, in the dark, faced away from me
But my insurance wont pay shit
Never have I ever broken a bone
But my father loves his favorite bright orange suit
And when he does take it off
On his ankle is a black souvenir
Never have I ever broken a bone
But my mother stands with a naked finger
Raising two kids by herself
Never have I ever broken a bone
But a temporary disability
Really does sound like a blessing
Oh I know that girl must be retarded
She can't talk right, and remember, you have to talk slow
Never have I ever broken a bone
But I have to study the way your lips connect
Match it with the vibrations from your throat
That sends hums to my ears in order to understand
What your saying
Never have I ever broken a bone
But no matter how much you turn the knob clockwise
My permanently damaged cochlea
Will not allow me to comprehend any consonants
Just the vowels
Never have I ever broken a bone
But this cast I'll need till I am six feet under and deep
Had I just broken a bone