The 7 stages of Separation Anxiety
Stage one is preparation for you to go
when our time is finally up
and I can be alone
stage one is me excied
when driving with you back home
so that I can finally lay by myself
without a care in the world
Stage two is goodbye
when we pull up to your place
and I'm not quite sure if I'm ready
to leave your loving embrace
I know I'll see you again soon
but my nevers unravel the closer we get
to letting you go
up the driveway when we pull in
Stage three is the ajustment
when we finally hugged long enough for you to go inside
I get back into the car
but your arms are not in mine
I know I said I was ready
to be alone and sleep in my room
but now that your gone
I don't know what to do
Stage four is the sick feeling I get
as I wonder what your doing
trying hard not to gift you
the "I miss you already..." message brewing
so I look at our photos and smile at you
then I put my phone away
and try to think of something new
Stage five is rediscovery
as I'm home back in my bed
I tuck myself in tight with a pillow by my head
and while I had a fun day
it's time to unwind
and enjoy my time alone
in this bedroom of mine
Stage six is the reality that after my long nap
I'll check my phone for texts or calls
from the one I was dreaming about
I was only asleep for an hour after you left
It hasn't even been 2
since I last saw the one I was dreaming of
but that doesn't stop me from wanting you
my face lights up as I see your name
it's time for us to talk again
Stage seven is homecoming
where I call you and see your face again
I smile instantly as you say sweetly
"Hey, my love. How was your nap?"
and I can't help but think "Oh lucky me"
that I can talk to you every hour
because any longer, a time too long
would have my heart devoured
and oh my darling, never again will I want to leave your side
I can't help missing you
with this seperation anxiety of mine...