Um, I feel a beating like a drum, it's in my head counting calories for me,
don't eat this, don't eat that, too many items, you'll become fat,
staying up late listening to my stomach growling was like the fulfilling sounds of trumpets being
played harmonically, my brain told me that this is the way to live, “to be skinny is aesthetically”,
drink water instead of eating a meal, go to bed hungry, but please don't think I'm ill,
I'm fine I say, I'll get better one day, today I'm going to throw up the extra calories I eat,
skipped breakfast, skipped lunch, half my dinner, this is the perfect diet, if you want to die,
I wanted to be happy in my own skin but I couldn't be because my skin folded over itself,
people tell me how they like what body I have but it's killing me to want someone else's,
I couldn't be satisfied until I didn't recognize myself, I used to cry until the tears rolling down my face fell into a puddle, it's subtle,
But I'm better now, I promise, this was only freshmen year for me,
“You'll get better” I'm glad I decided to wait and see