24 Faces of Black
Black body born, happy birthday
Black baby's first cry
Black girl in a white man's world
Black eye from daddy's toxic masculinity rectifies
Black mascara surging down mama's face, but she wasn't any better
Black bruises building like sediment around endless reassurance of defeat
Black awkward girl in the world with vivid dreams and first taste of depression
Black thoughts, dark thoughts, suicidal thoughts, would you like to meet?
Black blood from the dry spot of a perm that will hopefully make me look like Sarah
Black skin is pulling me down
Black boys noticing me
Black body will help me get love, blood from a promise on my nightgown
Black mascara surging down like my mothers
Black girl in the psych ward, crazy lost cause
Black stat goes up, angry girl now in juvenile hall
Black self-hate, why didn't my conception pause?
Black possibilities, college might be for me
Black homelessness, on the street again
Black finish line, she got in
Black wallet to empty, you thought I'd let you make it, you bane?
Black scars covering her shoulder from empty love time capsules and incompletion of every desire
Black strength won't give in, like rich melanin soaking vitamin D in the sun's piercing rage, and seeping dew
Black woman found a piece of hope under a sticky black tar on her bright blood pumping heart
Black woman's 24th birthday, still tries once more...what about you?