
Hey Jesse, I hope you get to read this in the future (maybe 5 or 10 years from now). I just wanted to say I'm proud of the growth you've made over the past couple of years in the last decade. I know we went through hard times with anxiety, insecurities, and depression, but I'm proud you were able to make positive strides with overcoming that. I want to know what you're doing, do you have a wife, any kids, did your music aspirations take off. I just want you to know that we came a long way man and to always remember to love yourself. You're a really special person Jesse. I know many times in the 2010s you couldn't figure that out, but I want you to always remember that. Do not believe and follow anybody who doesn't believe or respect you. You're way to valuable. Stick with your friends and find new ones who love and believe in you. Read me any time you're in a rut or if you want to take a look in the past. Here's to the 2020s, lets see if we can make this the best decade yet.

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