Because I love you, it isn't really about the infatuation phase
It's not the falling,
It's the catching.
It's making sure you're good and asking every day.
Because I love you, it's not about the dates
Or the gifts,
Or the compliments,
It's about the time you give, and feeling like your presence is a present.
Because I love you, I'll always be content just laying in bed with you, watching documentaries.
Because I love you, I want to learn from you.
Because I love you, you'll always be my favorite conversation.
Because I love you, you aren't my whole world, but you are a very big part of it.
Because I love you, it's not about you saying it back
It's about making sure you know how I feel at all times
If I'm mad,
or upset
or that I love you, you will know these things.
Because I love you, your dreams are my dreams.
Because I love you, I will support every goal you set, and be prouder with each goal met.
Because I love you, it's not about receiving, it's about giving
And just seeing your smile is better than any thank you.
Because I love you, I will watch over you
Even when you're grumpy today
Or angry with me
Or didn't eat yet
Because I love you, you'll be the first to hear news.
Because I love you, I won't stay mad.
Because I love you, I won't hold back. Because I love you, I'll always strive to improve, not just for me, but also for you.
Because I love you, you will see me at my worst, and you will see me at my best, and I'll trust you with both.
Because I love you, I now know what unconditional love means.