13 Years Old 16 Years Later: Will Sell Sex for Love
Girls girls girls
Swirl swirl swirl
Too young to understand
My hand
Her hand
Her mouth
This world
A Scottish perv
My mother heard
Wrinkles softening against a child's skin
Should have yelled
Should have barred
Our false role as dolls prevented a war
My first grope an icy assault
Little sister knows
Squeals inside but can't speak
Frozen behind father in driver's seat
Retreat and write but never scream
Smooth talk like a lawyer at the stand
You're clean and in-demand
No need to protect you or me
You rode my humvee
You owe me
Ride me
Status and loneliness
Former breeds the latter
Latter craves the former
Hush you brought on this mess
Forever unclean
In need
Will sell sex for love