My baby
He was perfect
He was innocent
He knew now wrong
He was mine
I didnt want him
I was toooo caught up in my life
I was too worried about me
Sometimes I feel wrong and others I feel so right
His daddy made me feel like shit
He didnt care
He didnt really know me
He wasnt worried about us
And I was too busy worrying about him
I couldnt imagine looking at him or his child for the rest of my life
I just knew it would get worse, maybe I should have tried
Maybe I could've done it
I was only a freshman in college
Old enough to have a child
but not old enough to raise it
The 24th of November was my due date
Evertime around this season I get real down
I made a choice that I to deal with everyday
I remember sitting in the waiting room all day, it was women from every part of the city
We were all here for the same purpose
They did a sonogram just to ensure I was pregnant
I saw him (it), he made me smile and cry
I throw up all the multicolored pills
I entered the room & all I remember is screaming
----screaming my heart out, reaching my hands out,
while I listen to the loud vaccum take away my baby
Eveytime I see a child I think about how I took the "easy way out"
but the "easy way out" wasnt so easy