“Write a poem about someone sad. Use the words despair and summer.”

I stand by the ocean waves 

Putting your heart wrenching I don’t knows on repeat

The i’m sorry baby, and the please don’t leave me

What about my feelings? Ever thought about those maybe?


With the salty sea air, I put my hands up, and feel the wind I hope will set me free

Someday I will be able to deal with the tears and longing despair

But until then I stand with my toes in the sand 

Clinging onto the last fragile shard of happiness all I can

As I breathe in the warm, yet cold, and lonesome summer air

I begin telling myself the same sad lie…. You’ll get there…


The song I sing Forever is similar to any NF song 

It always has a messed up twist that makes you check when it will end; How long?

The depths of my broken misfit mind is full of broken whiskey bottles, and fast cars

I wonder who bought those…


I guess every depressing story has a lesson, and the lesson really shows

I love therapy! How are you so far?

I stand by the ocean waves 

Putting that hopeless lie on repeat 

With the coordinated wind’s melody

I try to believe the words “you’ll get there” Will set my soul free….


This poem is about: 



If this poem is relatable.. let me know.

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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741