“The Invisible Tears” Spoken Poetry
Have you seen an invisible tears running from my eyes?
Have you noticed each mark it leaves?
It hurts that when it flows it leaves a wound in my face
A wound that reminds me of the life I did not choose
Do you see the stars getting very far going distance and distance away?
I even can’t reach it nor can I watch it shining
It’s odd, it’s strange that every time I looked to it I saw pettiness
And in a brief moment everything seems invisible, everything vanishes, everything became a lie.
I trust life, and whoever created it, I manage to survive in the middle of these great battles
But I fail to be invincible, I fail to move, I fail to fight
I remain in seat where I was alone, no twist in the game nor change in the story
It’s odd that when I try to bring changes in events it became dull
Everything seems invisible everything seems vulnerable
I want you to became visible so that they can see what’s wrong in my life
No, I want them to see what is wrong with them
I’m tired of these invisible tears that keeps flowing in my eyes
Hidden in the dark, in the silent shadow, in the hallow night