Thanks for not preparing me for life
I must say that I expected more from high school,
I thought that after high school I could to everything by myself,
I learned the hard way that I was wrong.
I even took a class called "Financial Literacy"
I learned absolutely nothing relevant in that class,
all the teacher talked about was opening savings and comparing saving now to saving later,
but the teacher never thought HOW to open up a savings account.
They never taught us how to do my taxes,
everyone does them,
sorry goverment or whoever collects taxes,
but how am I supposed to do them if no one teaches me!?
I have even more complaints.
How do I write a check?
How do I buy a car?
How do I cook something other than HotPockets?
How do I pay bills?
How do I read the fine print in contracts?
How do I maintain a good credit score?
What is a financial statement and how do I read it?
Thank you financial literacy, I really feel like I can do better at failing at life.