Brown Skin
I love your brown skin
I can't wait to see you again
Again to see your brown skin
Marred by the stormy weather discrimination
Oh you know I love your brown skin
Some will call you a yellow bone,
Some will call you red
But in truth I want to know what's inside your head
Like a King once said,
Judge me by the content of my character not by my skin.
Oh you know I love your brown skin,
Brown skin is in
In from the sharecropper's shack and into the White House
Oh I love your brown skin.
Even when your brown skin was violated like Till, jailed like Davis and feared like X
I loved your brown skin.
You should love more than now and again.
More than on January 16 or during the month of February
Love your white, brown, black, red and yellow skin.
Definitely more than now and again.
Love your brown skin