The Growth Of A Young Lady
I used to be all giggles and laughs and gay
Until death and sickness took my family away
Then razors and demented things became my friends
I thought that's how my story would end
I was living in a haze
Not eating for days
I began to wither
And my soul grew bitter
Those whom I loved could only watch
As the little girl they knew became a botch
I began to despise my reflection
To the world and people around me, I felt no connection
One day I awoke from my daze
And realized the fruitage true happiness pays
I smiled more often
And my heart began to soften
I had grown tired of seeing myself
So each day I strived to become an improved someone else
My days became sunnier
And little things became funnier
Now I'm all giggles and laughs and gay
My family, who loves me, is here to stay
Afterthought: May we all continue to grow. Let your past be like a box; big enough to be a reminder of what you have unpacked, but certainly not something to live in. That's what a home and the present are for.