My voice
My voice, the smallest in the crowd full of no one.
My voice does it tell you who i am what i go through?
Or just tell you what i need to say at that time.
My voice can you tell its me, is it really me.
My voice is it heard when i speak or can i only hear it inside.
Speech means more cause words cut deep but its the voice that makes the speech
posssible, so why are my word so clear yet never heard.
Can i say what i have to say without being judge, ridiculed, or bypass.
My voice are the words on the paper but not the words in my mouth.
If my voice can only be noticed on paper i will write , or do i want my voice to be heard.
Maybe i should keep it to myself , my voice that nagging noise, that fear, that inner thought
the one that says that im never good enough smart enough.
My voice is it why i need a escape , why i write the way i do , thnk the way i do.
Is my voice really my voice or the sounds of others.