In your waters

Let me wash myself in the current of your gentle waters,

Where the caress of your wave’s cleanses not just my skin,

But the very essence of who I am, leaving me reborn.

Let me drink deeply from the fountain of your love,

Each drop a sweet elixir that quenches a thirst of my soul,

Pour me till it fills the emptiness within me,

Leaving me to drown in the endless ocean of your love.


Let me gaze in the garden you’ve nourished with your grace,

Wandering through fields where flowers bloom in your name,

Their petals soft as your whisper,

Their fragrance a memory of your embrace.

Each leaf trembles like my heart when I’m near you,

A delicate dance, swayed by the gentleness of your breath.


Let your waters be the salve to my hidden wounds,

Healing what time and tears have left behind,

A soothing touch that mends the fractures of my past.

Let your waves rise not in anger, but in tender embrace,

Washing away the doubts that cloud my mind,

Leaving only the clarity of your love’s light.


Let your water be easy on me,

If your love must surge like a powerful tsunami,

Let it sweep away the old and usher in the new,

Breaking down walls I’ve built in fear,

Only to rebuild me stronger, closer to you.

Carry me on your tides to distant shores,

Where we can build and live out our dreams,

A place where every sunset is a promise,

And every sunrise, a renewal of the vows we’ve made in our hearts.


Let me sail upon your waters,

Guided by the stars reflected in your eyes,

To an island where milk and honey flow,

A paradise sculpted by the tides of your love,

A sanctuary where my heart finds its eternal home,

In the depths of your unwavering devotion.



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