Her Light Dances On, and on ,and on......You get Me?

Fri, 10/15/2021 - 15:32 -- Wired6

Ur- A white noise,that is hear,but random is it's noise.

Ur- A dark,a dark,of the knight. Much needed in this world,and the Universe.

Ur-A breath,the last breath,you could no longer hold.

Ur- An atom that splits and divides under the right conditions.

                                                       Not advisable 2 mess with them though.

Ur- One of me.

     - One of you-,multiplied a trillion times. Unrecognisable.

Ur- A breeze that consumes and fills it's own air.Succulent aroma,

       of a fresh flower smell,in the air.

Ur-A sigh,just after you've

                                        Cum,and Cum,and Cum.

Ur- A cigarette,happy 2 be inhaled. 

                                         It's toxic fumes, having fun in lungs.

                                          But we don't care.

                                          When you're gone.

                                           You're gone.

Ur- A  roar 2 the ear.Loud as 100 backfiring cars.

Ur-A  slice of bread. Not tasty without it's friend butter 2 care for.

Ur- Six years that have flown by.Yet it only seems like yesterday,since we last spoke.


I- Wish you were here Lady Yinkky.

But wait! I hear you say--I Am--- Always!

I Love You Yinkky.










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