Over and Over (BLM)
- Just gonna hop right in
- When you repeat over and over
- The same problem on repeat
- It doesn't get better, it only gets repeated
- You can say "we need to stop this" a million times
- All you do is keep the problem going
- If racism is saying something bad about the blacks
- Then what about all the black against black
- Hispanic against hispanic
- White against white
- Heck, why does it matter at all?
- If you want to be against the fighting, be against it
- Don't cause more hurt by specifying seperation
- No lives matter more than others
- All of us have prejudice, no matter race, gender, or sexuality
- A cisgender, straight, white, male would have prejudice for being a cisgender, straight, white, male
- Now, I don't support BLM, ALM, or any similar group
- But I don't support slavery either
- I support humanity getting over basic differences that don't even matter
- Otherwise, we're bringing up the same event, over and over again
This poem is about:
My country
Our world
Poetry Terms Demonstrated: