This is my Sword
These words were never meant to fall upon death ears
These words were meant for battle
These words were meant for war
NO, we will not stand by and let our voices be silenced
Nor will we pretend to be okay with the mistreatment
With these words we SHOUT OUT!
We say that we are hurting
We say that we fear the world around us because the darkness has swallowed the light
How can we fight?
With no ammunition, no back up, and snipers ready to kill
How can we fight?
With limited resources and no networking skills
These beautiful dreams of young boys and girls with wide eyes and optimism
HERE we stand
Not ready to admit defeat because our weapons are our PENS
And with this pen and these stories we tell the truth
We have put down our white flags
No more of this truce
And we know that what we stand for is greater than this mental imprisonment
So, we have drawn our weapons because in the end
The sword is not mightier than the PEN.