Self Loathing
They start from the moment i wake up
“You piece of shit” “go kill yourself”
“Your pathetic” “why are you so ugly”
“Pig” “nobody likes you” “you attention seeker”
“Slit your fucking wrists” “you have no friends”
“Noone will ever love you”
“Freak” “fuck up” “cow”
They pound on my head
Screaming at me
To get out of bed
But i can’t move because
What's the point?
I have nothing to live for
Why should i?
I have to plead with myself to throw off the blanket
Debate whether or not brushing my teeth is worth it
And if todays the day i end it
And they taunt me the whole time
“Stop getting the wrong answer”
“It's just 5 dishes!” “can you do anything right?”
“Lazy ass”
And when i finally go to bed
They continue to depreciate me
“You got nothing done today” “you shouldn't even be alive”
“please don't wake up tomorrow”
They never stop
They never leave me alone
Yelling at me
Putting me down
Strangling my self worth
Not that i have any
This ficking self loathing
I want it to stop.