“I am a cutter,” she muttered, hence a poor prognosis;
That was of the shaming Borderline diagnosis.
Which scarred her much deeper than the cutting,
And a glistening tear dripped from her eye shutting.
The doctors tried comforting her, whilst explaining;
“Between psychosis and neurosis,” furthermore paining.
In childhood this sure began when she was touched;
Over and over by her father, her breath ever so muffed.
However, now she was known as the attention-seeker;
And real cries are brushed off, all the more weaker.
“She will manipulate you!”, her friends now believe;
Left totally violated, mucous dripped on her sleeve.
She thought “you must understand, tis not my fault!”
For only she knew the entire truth dropped from the report.
Sadly enough, her own mother will still not admit;
Of the abuse in her family, for she could not commit.
Not to mention, that this girl was also raped as a teen;
The diagnosis was enough to take away all that pristine.
She now could only look forward to Haldol & Psychaspool*
Which will later leave her trembling and drenched in drool.