Just Tired
“Are you okay?" they ask.
"Yeah, I'm just tired" I answer.
Just tired of work pilling up.
Just tired of stress.
Just tired of not being able to sit
in math class without having an anxiety attack.
Just tired of people not caring.
Just tired of racism
Of sexism
Of any "-ism" you can think of.
Just tired of people with a lack of respect.
Just tired of our country caring more about
our political party than what is best for us.
Just tired of society telling me I'm not good enough.
Just tired of feeling emotions because "strong women"
don't cry when they are called:
Tired of the world going crazy.
Tired of people making fun of mental illnesses.
Tired of keeping my mouth shut.
I'm tired of watching my words so I don't offend anyone.
I'm tired of people thinking my opinion doesn't matter
because I'm "only 16."
I'm tired of sitting contently.
I'm tired of not saying what I feel.
I'm tired of being me.
I'm tired of not speaking.
I'm tired of being alive in a world where an orangutan
gets the same rights as a human being.
So yeah, I'm just tired!
I'm tired of you
And everyone else
Because our society is screwy
Because we slut shame our women
And praise our non-virgin men
Because everyone is trying to fit some mold.
And if I ever decide to kill myself,
It would be because of the people
That taught me to not speak
To not question
To not learn
To not explore
And to not be me
They ask, "are you okay?"
I answer, "yeah, I'm just tired."