keaton henson
oh, keaton.
you sure know how to make me sad.
but thank you for teaching me how to feel.
feel, so deeply, that it feels like
my spine is breaking.
so deeply, my thoughts run wild
and screaming, but you’ve helped me realize
they’re only fleeting. i thought i was
oh so alone, being a selfish writer, who felt as though
they didn’t and would never have a home. not the kind with walls,
but the one you face in the mirror and have to look at
and say, “okay, okay, it’s okay.”
tears filled my eyes the first time i heard your voice.
your lyrics carried me to the attic i held in my chest,
so dusty, growing with mold. hollow with rot,
my ribs split and rattled
with all the loss.
you were right. i was a self-centered writer, loving myself to sin.
stay away from me, i said. i can’t let anyone in.
you see, i care only for art and career. so scared of death,
i try to leave part of me here. frightened to death, begging,
don’t forget, don’t forget me.
i didn’t understand this, until you sang it to my ears.
how deep my pain was; how great my fears.
i thought love was a myth; reality a cruel mirror. what was the point of living
to be unloved and forgotten? to walk among others, nothing more
than stitches and tatters of broken bones?
but it was through your sorrow, i found my heart –
my art. in my creations, i found a lust for living
and a love for my soul. willing to be forgotten, i have my heart thrumming.
alive for the first time, i think.
it was made for loving me and all of you.
thanks, keaton. i love you.