Yo, La Calavera (I, The Skeleton)
I know no warmth from days past
It was the first to go
Then next was my flesh and blood until all
That's left is teeth and bone
In this sweet earth
When these stones become decrepit
My name shall be the last
To vanish from your tongue and from your mind
This cold trickle down my stomach
Curling darkness inside
My heart like sand and toes frozen solid
There’s a pit with my name
At the bottom
It matters not if I was brown
Or pale or rich or poor
A wise man said we would all become bone
So give me your tearful goodbyes
Your sweet cajeta
And scented candles
Your marigold petals
And blue cloths like flags
Strum the guitar and mourn today
A million yesterdays
Mean nothing to death
A million tomorrows
Are nothing to us
Uncork the glass soda bottles
Taste the ample mangos and
Drink the spicy pop
Of jamaica
Give me your treasured sweets and bread
Your rich chocolates
The ones Abuela
Used to send us when we
Were just simple kids
Sound the drums to the beatings of hearts
Faraway and blow the flutes
Go and spread your wings
Ángeles y demonios
Take the children’s hand
And see me gone
Watch the fig trees uprooted and slain
Build the great house on their graves
Tear down everything
Kill the plants so that only
You can be the most
Lovely thing around these parts
The most beautiful
In the village
So give me your sad corridos
Your dying roses
The sand in your shoes
Your ugly marks shaped
By the leather belt
And silver buckle
And give me your tears and your pain
Your drawings from that
Poor little notebook
You loved and you lost
Give me your words and your tall trees
Your avocados
Fresh and sliced to eat
All the walnuts you
Gathered in your shirt
After they tumbled
From weary branches
And give me your yarn and your needles
Roses sewn with red and green
The yellowed cloth crisp
With age of years still
Put me to the sweet earth and give me
Your goodbyes and promises
True and false
Give me your goodbyes and all your love
Your memories of grief and
Our legacy of happiness
I may be dead but never did I
Forget to love you
So don’t forget me so quickly
Don’t forget my name
Yo, la calavera, sigo aqui
I, the skeleton, am still here