Medusa: Not Villain, but a Victim
The Greek white columns stood fierce and erect--
all things I only wish I could be.
I stepped into the courthouse
Afraid and uncertain,
Unsure if I would make it out alive.
Dreadlocks fall down my back
Itchy and scratchy like the scales of a snake.
I sat in the witness stand and faced the prosecutor.
“Do you mind explaining to us what happened, Medusa?”
I couldn’t move.
I tried to tell the judge that.
I tried to tell everyone that.
My body turned to stone as the men conducted their sinful act.
Heavy and cold all over
I wasn’t me.
My lip quivers as I look down.
I recall feeling weak and helpless at that moment.
Suddenly, I remembered why I was here.
It was time to fight back.