Time & I

Wed, 06/26/2019 - 16:07 -- Elonzo


Time was something as a child that I really couldn’t convince.

It was a complex phenomenon that I really didn’t care to believe.

Time is forever on the run.

It is something you can never get back.

No matter how fast you run.

Once I realized that I never allowed it to by pass me. 

I grabbed it by it’s hand and ran with it until I couldn’t. 

It brought me through a journey about me. 

And with every second, minute, and hour. 

It was about me. 

With every second I grew physically 

With every minute I grew emotionally 

And with every hour I discovered all the aspects that made me up to be me. 

But then time let go of my hand and disappeared

Everything began to slow down. 

I began to slow down. 

Then I heard footsteps not one but billions of different kinds of footsteps that each had a unique sound. 

I turned around and realized it was billions of different kinds of people on the journey of discovery. 

But for some reason time was trying to keep up with them. 

And with every second, minute, and hour I realized time was a jumpstart into the discovery of myself. 

And soon you too will be at a point when you know who you are. 

And you will run as fast as you can to let the entire world know. 

And time will always be behind you trying to keep up with every second, minute, and hour. 


This poem is about: 
Our world



this is really good!! 10/10, 5 stars!


That was so good. Very deep, loved it!