How Much I've Grown
Have you ever felt that you had the best of friends?
That you and your friends could get past al the twists and bends?
That no matter what you went through, you would still be entwined?
Oh how this all started from a naive little mind.
As I grew older, I liked different things,
Causing mine and my friends to put distance in our entwined strings.
I pulled left, they had pulled right;
We pulled away so much that each of us was out of sight.
I remember forming that same special bond once more
But I guess having me around was too much of a chore.
Not only did they play me like a puppet on a string,
they also made me feel bad for what I liked, which was a bit of a sting.
They dragged me along,
It was only after years they decided to drop me, it didn't take long.
They hung out with the wrong crowd,
They became blurry minded and also loud.
I guess my friends weren't really my friends.
But my journy didn't come close to meeting ends.
I met other people along the way,
Some were using me like before, I realized this and my day had gone gray.
I met other new people, some doing the same my old friends had done.
But I met others who, when I was around them, allowed me to have fun.
As I grew up, the years passing by
My eyes didn't water, I didn't pout or cry
But I was glad for the experience, even if it wasn't the happiest.
I guess you could say, some experiences have played a role, even the crappiest.
In the end, I had grown
I knew who I was from the heart to the soul to the bone.
And I realized that true friends don't make you change,
Even if the interests to one another are a bit strange.
True friends accept how you are and won't ever try to change you,
Best friends are different and can be opposites but they stick to each other like glue.
It took me years to figure this out,
I was confused, upset, frustrated- muster the loudest, frustrated shout.
There will be fights and disagreements,
But those are just decrements.
So, in the end, maybe we don't all have our best friends,
Maybe these friends won't stick through the twists and bends.
But that's alright because another in on their way,
And in the end, you won't be lonely, just stick it out for another day.